Suppliers plastic toy: What Happens to Plastic Toy

Anyone with kids will know that at some stage, even the best loved toys fall out of favour, leaving many parents with lofts, cupboards and the space under the bed full of once treasured items.  Plastic and Plush is a designer toy and art website that focuses on news and reviews of some of the coolest, most entertaining figures, toys, etc. available.Suppliers plastic toy: What Happens to Plastic Toy

Plastic toys first emerged in the late 19th century, however, it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that they truly became popular. The first plastic toy was made from celluloid, its flexibility allowed for intricate designs and quickly became the go-to material for making dolls, action figures and even wind-up toys.

Why are so many toys made of plastic?

Plastic has become such a popular material for child’s toys for a few reasons. The main one is durability – plastic doesn’t rot like wood or rust like metal,withstanding the rough and tumble of life with a child of any age.

Hard plastic can also be produced in bright and crazy colours, is easy to clean, and is generally cheaper to buy than more sustainable alternatives. It’s no surprise that plastic toys make up the majority of those produced.

Economy and help save money

Did you know that plastic toys don’t last long because they are made of low-cost materials? That’s why parents unconsciously buy more of them, which leads to higher expenses. On the other hand, organic toys are more durable and you need fewer of them in the long run.

Identifying a sustainable toy from all the available options can be confusing and tedious. Just remember to look for eco-friendly brands, sustainable materials and local products.

Choosing environmentally friendly materials for manufacturing toys

Despite the recent shift to other materials, plastic remains a popular choice for toy makers. Many iconic playthings, such as Lego blocks, Barbie dolls and Hula Hoops were all born out of the convenience of the lightweight, flexible, easy to clean, colourful and inexpensive plastic material. Environmental responsibility isn’t the only driving force behind the rise of green toys. Consumers have become more aware of the health effects of toxic chemicals and materials found in products intended for children and are demanding alternatives. Technological and material innovations have also advanced the sustainability quest, but obstacles remain in sourcing and testing. Furthermore, a combination of kids being stuck at home and eco-anxiety caused by the pandemic has accelerated consumer appetite for made-to-last, planet-friendly toys.

Many of the major players in the toy industry are leading the way to reduce the environmental impact of toys. The Dongyuan Group is on a challenging mission to make all its core products out of sustainable materials by 2030.

Review & Approvals

At several prototyping stages we ask our clients to look at photos or samples of the prototype, give feedback, and request any improvements. We only proceed to the next prototyping stage when the current stage is right and your team (happily!) approves it.

Our factory is proud of the large number of our dedicated experts who are engaged in developing and manufacturing of our products with varied product variety. The quality of our products meet with the international quality standards.


About Dongyuan Toy

As a professional plastic toy manufacturer, We are committed to providing the best product experience, from design to production, paying attention to every detail to ensure that every product meets the highest quality standards.

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