We’ve already talked in another blog article about toy manufacturers and how this industry is a very powerful one all over the world. For many toy business owners, importing toys from China can effectively improve the profit margin, but finding original and authentic toy manufacturers in China can be difficult sometimes. Plastic Toy Factory in China: Designer Toys
Plastics have certainly proven to be an absolute tour de force in the toy industry’s illustrious history. The introduction of injection molding in the mass production of finalized prototypes for consumer product testing has made all the difference in toy manufacturing. In order to start producing plastic toys, you need to have a clear idea of what do you want to create. A toy company employs many people who will be of use at each step of the process. But toy companies are not the only ones that produce toys, many other companies fabricate toys, according to the needs and requests of their clients.
To have a better picture of what you want to produce, brainstorming is a vital element to begin with, for the reason that imagination and research find in this practice a way to coexist and put together a plan to fabricate the toy. Plastic toys have proven to be safe for kids and kids at heart across the globe. Just remember to be ever so mindful of WARNING labels, most especially for infants of 18 months and below. With all this being said, it’s interesting to think what’s in store for the future of little play things.
Unique Advantages of Chinese Toy Manufacturers
World Toy Manufacturing Capabilities
China is the world’s largest toy producer and exporter, with thousands of toy companies registered in China. China accounts for about 70% of the world’s total toy manufacturing volume, which makes it the world’s toy manufacturing center.
Highly developed industrial chain and concentrated industrial clusters
The toy manufacturing industry is mainly concentrated in Guangzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Among them, Guangdong Province is the province with the largest scale of toy manufacturing and export. These industrial clusters have formed a complete upstream and downstream industrial chain.
High-tech oriented industrial environment
With the popularization of the Internet, cloud upgrading, Bluetooth modules, and chip technology have been more widely used in toy manufacturing. Toys made in China have gained more functions in terms of intelligence, interactivity and education.
Design creativity
All shapes of toys are achievable, thanks to plastic injection molding, as the mold helps to control the final result with great freedom in design and confidence in a high-quality result. Any color can be achieved in plastic injection for toys by mixing the colorants inside the machine.