How to Get Kids Plastic Toys Manufactured?

Plastic has been a game-changer, bringing joy and excitement to generations of children. We’ve had the privilege of witnessing the evolution of plastic toys over the years. People’s love for plastic toys doesn’t fade with age. Many adults today are passionate collectors of vintage plastic toys, indulging in nostalgia and keeping something from their childhood. How to Get Kids Plastic Toys Manufactured?

Toy business: The starting point

In order to start producing plastic toys, you need to know exactly what you want to create. A toy company employs many people who will play a role in every step of the production process. But a toy company is not the only company that produces toys, many other companies make toys according to the needs and requirements of their customers.

Designing a toy

Toy factories need the work of designers. Clients and toy company employees have a brainstorming session and, after that, designers prepare sketches of the toy in question. They include the size, colors, and facial expressions and poses, according to the type of toy (it can be a figurine, a doll, a car or some plastic food).

Sketching precedes a 3D depiction of the product, which is regularly made with specialized software. Here, depending on the equipment of each toy factory, the process can take different paths. One of them is to get the toy model with the help of a 3D printer. Another more traditional involves modelers. And, finally, top-notch technology allows a machine to sculpt the design pattern into the metal that will shape the plastic.

How plastic toys are made

Most of the plastic toys that you walk by in a toy store are created through a particular technique called injection molding. Injection molding essentially means filling hot and moldable plastic into specific molds to get a toy part in a desired shape and structure. Injection molding is used in the creation of countless toys such as lego injection molding. Because of this, injection molding has an important place in the toy manufacturing industry.


Toys created through the injection molding technique are called injection molding toys which comprise most of the toys that you see in the toy market. Injection molding toys made from plastic have a lot of advantages over wood and metal toys. The injection molding technique has been revolutionary for the toy industry because it has allowed manufacturers to produce cost-effective toys on a large scale so that more people can enjoy them.


From the early days of plastic barbies to the modern, sustainable creations of today, plastic toys have continued to cherish the hearts and minds of children and adults. Their ability to adapt to changing times and technologies has kept them relevant and beloved for generations. As a plastic toy manufacturer,  we understand the importance of creating unique and high-quality products that stand out in the market.

About Dongyuan Toy

As a professional plastic toy manufacturer, We are committed to providing the best product experience, from design to production, paying attention to every detail to ensure that every product meets the highest quality standards.

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