For a child, a doll can be a playmate, an adventure partner, someone to take care of, and a friend when life gets hard or scary. A doll can also invite a kid to celebrate their own identity, explore those of others, and see their wants and needs reflected back to them in instructive and meaningful ways. Custom Doll Baby– DY Personalized Dolls
In order to start producing plastic toys, you need to have a clear idea of what do you want to create. A toy company employs many people who will be of use at each step of the process. But toy companies are not the only ones that produce toys, many other companies fabricate toys, according to the needs and requests of their clients.
To have a better picture of what you want to produce, brainstorming is a vital element to begin with, for the reason that imagination and research find in this practice a way to coexist and put together a plan to fabricate the toy.
During our testing, we observed that many toddlers show interest in dolls representing children who are around their same age, or younger, especially when they can see some of their own needs (a bottle, diaper, blankie) reflected back to them.
Why we like it: Dongyuan’s dolls, for good reason: The dolls are exceptionally well made, with durable hair, velvety vinyl bodies, and varied facial features. Miniland, which has made inclusion and social and emotional learning part of its mission, offers one of the widest range of doll types we’ve seen.
Plastic Doll Safety
While plastic has gotten a bit of a bad reputation for safety, due primarily to plastics containing bisphenol-A (BPA), phthalates, safe plastic toys can be made with many formulations which do not contain these compounds. In addition, many plastics can include antibacterial and antimicrobial additives to enhance safety. Finally, most plastics do not easily conduct heat or electricity, adding to their safety features.
When customizing plastic dolls, you need to pay attention to the fact that choosing the right face shape and expression can make the doll more realistic. You can provide a photo or description for the manufacturer’s reference to create a doll you are satisfied with. Vinyl and plastic can be tricky to get paints to truly adhere to; if you’re looking for an overall recolor of the doll to a fantasy tone, consider dye instead. You won’t have any impact on the mobility of the doll, and as it penetrates the outer surface of the doll, you’ll see much less wear and tear over time.
To manufacture certain toys, some plastic pieces require other processes, such as tampography, also called pad-printing. This technique transfers a 2-D image into a 3-D object and it allows details like an expressive face to be applied to the plastic piece, think of the Lego, Mega Bloks, Miniland or Playmobile plastic toys with their eyes and smiles.